Saturday, November 15, 2008

Months after, I find nothing!

I have to say that it has been, well months since I have made any kind of link to anything October Road. I was in the thick of the fight in July. But things kept being placed in my way. It was like a perfect storm, all things coming together to stop me from fighting, thus I felt like it brought me to my knees. I have to admit that most my fighting to bring October Road back was focused soully thru the Internet and post office. I spent more then 4 hours a day on my computer doing everything I could possibly do to help get the word out about this wonderful show. But when the Internet was taken away I had felt my hands were tied. The message boards at stopped allowing me to post there. Then my home life became so crazy I could not bring my self to have the patients or the time to spend at the computer for such long hours. Lastly my heart felt, well, stupid! By the time August came around I was hanging on by my finger nails trying to keep up what little I could handle. But I couldn't do it any more. I had nothing left to say. I had no feeling that anyone was even listening. When you don't feel heard and you seem to be just invisible it is near to impossible to keep going in an upward battle. I gave up. I just didn't have my heart in it any more. I just fell off the radar. Sure for about part of a week or two some close Roadie friends tried to get me to come back or even just tell them what was going on with me. But really they two had to go on with their lives as well. I didn't even have it in me to say anything. I posted nothing any where. The only conversation I had in August was with a Roadie, named Stephanie. She called and left me a message on my cell phone. A week later I called her back. I left her a message telling her I had given up. That has been the last I have had any kind of contact with the October Road Community. I have not sought out news about the show at all, either. Well here I am, almost 5 months past the time I gave up. I have not posted a blog or commented about October Road out side of a comment left at a article last week. But it seems weird now. I know there is no hope of bring my much beloved show back, ever! It is heart breaking to me to think of all the money, time, and effort we all put in. Then last week I read at that the ABC drama's ratings are not doing good. I have to admit I smiled at that and left my comment about how stupid I think ABC is. I have kept my boycott promise. I have not started watching any new shows from the big three networks. ABC, NBC, and CBS are not getting me and my sisters ratings numbers on any of their new shows, not that Nielsen counts me anyways, I'm 35, out of the target audience. But today I read that Life on Mars was going to be moved to run after Lost this January. I have to say I was so happy to see our Owen (Brad W) doing a heavy episode this week on Life on Mars. But I still kept my promise and have not watch this show. Even though it has heavy ties to October Road. I really can't bring my self to watch it. Then we have me finally cleaning out my email in box and finding that someone has posted a comment on one of my blog entries. They posted it 4 days ago. It was simple, I quote, "People should read this" end quote. It made me want to say something. Bring closure to this chapter. Since I have found nothing in these last months to bring me back to my soap box here at this blog, I found it strange that one small comment would spark the fires of a good ole rant. Maybe it is because I feel like some one out there is listening. Maybe it is because of the recent new's of ABC's drama's not doing so good. Maybe it is the old feelings of complete disappointment when I hear ABC is axing a wonderfully bizarre show like Pushing Daises. But I have to go on record as saying I hate all the powers that be at ABC for what they have done to their viewers, consumers, and loyal fans. ABC continues, along with Fox now, to disregard the plea's of faithful viewers. All of the networks both cable and such are cancelling shows based only on Nielsen ratings numbers. How sad, such a company can has such strangle hold on an industry that just can't change with the times! It's not only heart breaking to see what Nielsen is doing to these great shows, but it is hopeless. In my mind nothing can be done until more consumers band together in groups of millions and take control of what they want to see buy using the power of the almighty dollar! Thank you so much "Bea" for you comment and sparking a fire that had long gone out! I hope more people out there try and come together to make their voices heard and stop this crazy thing called Nielsen ratings. END OF MY RANT UNTIL I FIND ANOTHER SPARK!

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